A blog can be a reliable source of informative, educational and entertaining content essential to each business. It has been utilized for years to improve SEO Orange County rankings and business visibility.

There are sufficient opportunity to boost your search engine rankings through blogging, and despite other practices that may have changed and developed, blogging as an SEO strategy prevails and will always be efficient.

Here are some ways to make your website rank better in Google through blogging:

Fresh and unique content always give the readers the reason to come back to your website again and again.  It also paves the way for Google to get back to your site to crawl and index your new pages.

Limit on focusing solely on keywords. Meaning the old days of getting strong rankings by just putting the main keyword in the title of your blog and repeatedly mentioning it on the content is over.

Remember, when you are targeting the wrong keywords, you are wasting your time. And there is no point of gaining traffic if it doesn’t convert!

The key is to focus on quality content that can provide useful information to your consumers. If you want to rank as number one,  create or write content that deserves it.

Content Distribution. More than two million blogs are posted daily. So, If you missed social media and other means of marketing, it will have a low visibility.

Social Media without inbound links coming to your blog will not grow in authority. Therefore it is ideal to create accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, etc. The more places your site is highlighted through your blog sharing efforts, the more information Google will and can gather that will enhance your brand’s visibility.

Links on Blogs. The number of links is a determining factor in search engine rankings. Not anymore!  These days, it is the quality of your inbound links that matters most. The mindset game has been changed from quantity to quality. The links that provide real values to users are rewarded with better rankings.

Mobile-friendly content. Finally, the technology trend to optimize the website for mobile. Your target audience is no longer sitting at their desktop computers. Mobile has mostly taken over, and you should do too. Optimize your website layout for mobile. Ensure pages, menus,  landing pages, sales pages and content or posts are optimized, and are created in a  format which mobile visitors can read and navigate.

SEO Orange County is a long-term strategy, the best and effective practice to increase your search engine ranking is making useful content that addresses the needs of your audience.