Facebook is one of the most powerful, useful tools that is proven to be effective social media platform to promote or create an event. It is believed to be the easiest and cheapest tool.

No matter what kind of event you are holding, it would make no sense if people don’t come so as an organizer, you have to cover everything for the event and plan every detail ahead of time so you know how to employ your resources and marketing will come into play.  It always take a great deal of time and effort to promote events successfully.

Among a few of the things you can do are: reaching out to your target audience through all possible channels, webinars, sponsored ads, email blasting and / or linking your website.; sharing your Facebook event outside Facebook, i.e. on a blog or website,through email marketing and other social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn.

How Do You Set Up an Event Landing Page?

  • Creating an event on the Facebook Page could be very tedious yet a sure thing to show your creative side. Your campaign should indicate the day,month and the year of the event. It’s also very important that you state the beginning and end time of the event.
  • It is also quite important that you create a short and a snappy event’s name. A concise description will help followers easily understand the message you want to relay to them.
  • Remember that Facebook is a network that revolves around images so make sure to upload an evocative photo to catch your followers’ attention. Add a blurb to your poster, flyer or even your company logo. Also include additional description of your event like about two short paragraphs.  
  • Selecting guests can be the most time-consuming part of the process, Make sure you click the invite button to send invites to your Facebook friends . Once the event page is set up, you can always ask your invitees via the event wall and you can also send or post periodic updates of your event through it.
  • Add social share buttons to the event registration page, the more likes, retweets, Linked In shares on your blog posts and web pages the more visitors will perceive the content as being popular and will also want to the share.  This is the best avenue where they are encouraged to engage and share their comments.

Sure, events are tedious but promoting it via social media platforms like Facebook not only increases your chance of getting more attendees but it also enhances your creative side while  you’re in the process of inviting people out. This is a concrete proof of how social you are!

Need help getting with your social media event or other online marketing needs? Call us at 1(888)-375-3058.