This all begins with a word or phrases typed into a search box. Keywords! They are very important for every website as it drives targeted web traffic and could skyrocket your business to its sales success online. SEO-driven by the right keywords is an investment worth making.

First, we need to take some thought into researching the keywords to use and how effective it is in marketing the site.In other words, you need to make sure that people are looking for the products, services or information that your website offers through those keywords. Otherwise your visitors will end up on your competitor’s pages because they can’t find what they’re looking for in your site. Remember that some keywords may get hundreds of thousands of unique searches a day while others can only  get a hundred or so. Implementing the right keyword(s) is the make or break of your website.

Now that you’ve found the best keywords, it is recommended to include it in a number of high-attention  areas of your website and optimize its titles, body text, URLs, meta tags and even the image file names.

One other way to boost your site in the search optimization game is to perform a competitor keyword search. If you can figure out what keywords ranks them then you gain a competitive edge.

You may also need to do a manual keyword grouping analysis and implementation for you to rank well. Keyword grouping works in website optimization by dividing keywords into small and manageable groups of related keywords. For example, you have a website about organic chocolate  and based on your research it came up that the following keywords that need to be grouped are: organic chocolate, organic dark chocolate, health benefits of chocolate. This strategy has been proven and tested as it is also  in line with the brand identity of the website. However, this process is very time-consuming. That is why it is best to hire an SEO company as they have different tools available to speed up the process.

One thing to be cautious though is the excessive use of hyphens in domains as it appears unprofessional and will prevent users from  clicking the site. Write for humans, not for search engines.  Although we are looking after getting the highest rank in the Google search, the text content of our site should flow naturally and should be helpful in engaging the readers.

Want to know more about SEO-driven keywords for your Orange County business? Call us at 1(888) 375-3058 and let us guide you to be more productive and get those sales going.