Search Engine Optimization or SEO is basically the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of the traffic that website earns as a result of being seen in the search engine ranking pages (SERPs). It refers to  a process of making a site appeal to both search engines and users- factors that have effects or that are controlled by you or your SEO company or by properly coding your page with HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and density.

The on-site SEO initially benefits a website or a blog’s good ranking and can be crucial too especially in getting the right number position in Google.

We have come up with some list of tactics that could be beneficial to get noticed by Google:

Content comes first. It’s what the user see. It shouldn’t be a duplicate or a rewrite of an existing article.  A good content should be useful and well researched.

Distribution. Social sharing buttons may not play a direct role but are sure to generate more eyeballs on the content. Remember that the best content is doing the best job in supplying the largest demand  but the bad one will not survive.

Tags. The title tag is considered as the most important factor and adding modifiers help rank long tail versions on the target keyword(s). Generally, the closer the keyword is to the beginning of the title page, the more weight it has with search engines.

Density. Keywords Density plays a vital role too. It is recommended to appear in your first 100 words in the article. Due to the implementation of Google’s algorithm, the first sentence in the body text and the first word used in a sentence are the most important ones.

Keywords and URL structure. The use of user-friendly SEO keywords that contains 3 to 5 words. It should be short and sweet with the target market always included.  URL structure plays a vital role too. It is the permanent link with less than 255 characters and use hyphens in between. Search engines can make sense of what your content is all about when the right URL structure are implemented on your web pages or content.

Do you find the SEO strategies from this guide helpful? Leave us a quick comment below or call us at 1(888) 375-3058 for an SEO consult.