Social media marketing isn’t as easy as it looks, and it takes a lot of work to generate engagement with your target audience and appeal to potential customers. Below, we’ve listed ten hot tips from Orange County SEO experts to create the perfect social media posts for your business.




Research, Research, Research

There are a lot of kinds of content, and you should figure out what kind resonates well with your target audience. You’ll probably have to experiment, but the results will be well worth it once you find something your audience loves to engage with.

Let your audience share feedback. Ask them lots of questions. What did you think about so-and-so? What would you like to see more of? Would you rather see new products or bring back some phased-out products? You don’t have to do the research alone—sometimes, your audience will gladly share what they want to see.

Social media marketing isn’t a one-time process where you post whatever. It’s constantly figuring out the trends and preferences and adapting to them!


Spy on the Competition

If your competitors are doing well, look at what they’re doing right and try to do it better. It would help if you also capitalized on what they could be doing wrong. Since you are in the same industry, you’ll know their strategies would probably be effective for you too.


Remember Your Brand

Always remember the kind of image and message you want to portray. This will help you create social media posts consistent with your brand!

For example, if your company aims to be fun and playful, your social media posts should also be fun and playful. Use the same color scheme for your social media posts if your company has a specific color scheme (e.g., IKEA’s blue and yellow, Dunkin Donuts’ pink and orange).


Foster Relationships

Customers are the most critical part of any business and keep the company coming!

Use each social media post to nurture relationships with your customers. Let them know how much you appreciate them and want to help them. Get them excited about things you have for them. Take them on your journey with you!


Keep It Short and Sweet

All companies, in some way or another, want to tell a story. They want to let others know what they want to accomplish as a company, how the company was established, how they’ve inspired people, and so much more. But social media isn’t the place for it!

Our attention spans are notoriously short when browsing social media, so you should get straight to the point with your posts. Otherwise, your followers might get bored and annoyed and even unfollow you!


Have a Clear Call to Action

All your flowery words will be useless if you don’t have a clear call to action (CTA)! What’s the point of enticing your customers if you won’t generate any leads at the end of the day?

Every social media post should have a clear call to action. They should direct your customers to your website to browse through your products. They should also lead them to positive reviews or influencer posts to show how great of a product you have! You can even use CTAs to link to other content.


Upload Images and Videos

Some people are more reading/writing learners, while others are visual learners. As such, you shouldn’t rely on text all the time in your social media strategy. Some people don’t have the time, energy, and interest to read your words. But if you upload appealing images and videos that portray your message, you might get more interaction!

It’s always best to combine text and images/videos.


Post at the Best Times

In life, there’s a time for everything. The same goes for social media!

You’ll quickly learn that you’ll get varying interactions and clicks depending on the time and day you post. Getting right takes trial and error, but the rest should be accessible once you find that sweet spot.

A good rule of thumb is to post only when your target audience is online. So, refrain from posting at odd hours when people are asleep. Also, consider posting on the weekends since people will be more into interacting rather than just browsing mindlessly through their feeds like they usually do on weekdays.


Adjust to the Platform

Your target audience differs by the social media platforms they’re using. 

For example, the older generations tend to gather on Facebook and LinkedIn, while the younger generations tend to accumulate on Instagram or Twitter. As such, you must tailor your posts according to the social media platform you’re posting on.

For example, a very long post about a product release won’t get you far on Instagram. Instagram is primarily for pictures—people go there to browse photos and not read a whole life story. In the same way, writing two sentences on LinkedIn as you would on Twitter would probably look very strange.


Develop a Social Media Strategy

It’s essential to get a routine established once you’ve started. Having a schedule makes everything easier for you and ensures you don’t forget to do anything. It also spaces out your posts evenly instead of posting too little or too much in one go.

If you own a digital marketing agency, drafting guidelines for social media postings is essential too. This way, new employees can jump into social media marketing instead of waiting for someone to do it.