The coronavirus has many businesses that work with SEO companies rethink their business strategies and budgets. Also, it is probably fair to say that this pandemic will have an ever-lasting effect on supply chains. 

The last time businesses faced such tribulation was the Great Recession of 2008. It all started when New York-based investment bank Bear Stearns went belly up and Lehman Brothers declared insolvency. That is when your average SEO company and many other businesses in Orange County realized that this financial crisis should not be taken lightly. 

At this moment, with the Covid-19 pandemic taking over every aspect of our lives, businesses should still give importance to their content marketing strategies. Why? Because many businesses, including your competitors, are trying to cling on, but there are establishments and brands that are still pushing out consistent content that is building an audience. 

And just like when the recession blew over in 2010, these businesses that persistently published content to the masses quickly became market leaders since they took the time and effort to invest in their audience for those two years while others went quiet, or even went bust.

Therefore, it is important for businesses to concentrate on what their audiences and customers require instead of the products they sell. The best way to do that is to arrange your primary content creation and incorporate paid advertising to push your message to add significance to your customer’s lives. 

It’s surprising how much goodwill brands can create during a crisis. However, it is currently very difficult to accomplish this with just advertising. That is why Drive Traffic Media says that now is the time to increase your content marketing. No time is better than now to build and grow an audience. 

Check out these eight approaches content marketers at Drive Traffic Media, an SEO company in Orange County are using today during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Rethink Your Objectives

Whether you are in the mood or not, you have to be ready to make a few alterations to your content marketing strategy. In many circumstances, the requirements and desires that the audience you connect with have to be changed. You will find that you have to be flexible in your strategies. 

Ever since the pandemic started, many businesses are working with fewer resources, which means many difficult decisions have to be made. So, it is a good idea to go back to a project or plan you had started and take a new look at why it was initiated at all. 

If you carry on with a strategy that was given the go-ahead before the coronavirus, without any alterations, you could be heading for failure. 

Concentrate On Your Loyal Consumers

Now is not the moment for expansive communication and content efforts. You should be working on loyalists within your audience. For instance, you have to ask yourself the following:

Within your target audience, is there a subdivision that is more lucrative than the others?

Does your content marketing strategy rely on drastically altering people’s perception and behaviors? If so, it is very challenging to do so in this economic environment. You might want to reconsider and concentrate on bringing together individuals who are already interested in what you are promoting.

Whenever there is an economic crisis, it is always best to zero in on a smaller, more lucrative audience group. When the economy starts to rebuild again in the future, you can certainly open up your audience base. 

Return To Your Content Tilt

The Orange County SEO company explains that the content tilt is that area of insufficient to no competition on the Internet that really provides you a standing chance of entering the market and becoming relatable. It not only helps your business to stand out, but it also makes you unique so you get your audience’s attention.

When you don’t “tilt” your content to tell a different story, you will probably notice your content dim and disappear forever. Therefore, now is the time to concentrate and get down to business. 

Your Audience – Can you concentrate on a niche audience or an unaccommodated section of your audience group?

Positioning – Can you discuss the topic in various ways? For instance, how many businesses are creating content based on DIY projects? It begins to all sound the same. Maybe it would be best to name it something different and begin a movement?

Platform – Do you have a content gap on a specific platform? Perhaps there isn’t a podcast or a YouTube series about your topic. 

Subject Matter – Maybe your topic is just too far-reaching. That is when you should go niche, even if you think you are too niche already. Because there is no such thing as being “too niche”. 

Create An Internal Content Marketing Resource

Believe it or not, internal marketing is more important than external marketing. Your frontline employees, the ones that face customers, and not external marketing pushes customer acquisition and retention. 

Now even more so than ever. It might not be the right time to create more content, but you should try to make it work more efficiently. 

This can be accomplished through an email newsletter for your salespeople letting them know of your new content initiatives and various ways to use it. You can create a weekly podcast discussing the company news or a regular employee newsletter getting them up to speed on how the company is dealing with challenges. Also, you could do this through a Slack group. Keep in mind that your employees are constantly your best marketing resource. So, let them take part in the content you are creating. 

Divert The Audience

Currently, your audience is made up of people who are not just sticking around for your content. They are too busy engaging themselves in mobile, video, audio, and textual content for informational or entertainment purposes. While this pandemic is ongoing, your audience and customers have absorbed a ton of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and loads of Disney Plus to keep the kiddies occupied. If you are ever going to get their attention, you have to somehow (and it isn’t easy) direct them to your content. 

Most B2Bs use influencer programs that appear on a podcast or write original content. However, sometimes the best thing to ask from an influencer is nothing. Just begin to create content and advertise their efforts and know-how. Integrate it into your content programs.

This could happen through these methods:

  • Research project
  • E-book
  • Traditional book
  • Blog series
  • Podcast shoutout

Therefore, if you want your influencer project to pick up quickly, don’t ask the influencer anything in the beginning. However, do let them know you have included him or her in your project and how you are helping them with their own exposure. There are many people who are willing to do this kind of work.

When you have built a rapport with the influencer, you can ask them if they want to help in creating original content with you or even be a guest on your podcast.  As your relationship continues to grow with these influencers, they will share what you are marketing and you will attract their audience to your platforms.