What is the best way to find keywords, Orange County? You already know that you need them for your site, on your landing page, your product pages, your blog posts, and your meta tags. They’re vital for SEO. There are plenty of tools that you can use that will find them for you, and you should be able to cultivate some useful ones that way. But there’s a different route that you can go: you can steal them from your competitors.


Is That Ethical?


I know what you’re thinking. You hear a term like “stealing,” and you think “Whoa, I only want to engage in white hat SEO. This sound like a dubious strategy to me.” But there isn’t anything inherently wrong or unethical about looking at the websites of your competitors and seeing if they are using any long-tail keywords that you might have missed during your searches using analytics tools. Whether you are handling your optimization in-house or you are using an SEO company, it’s not a bad idea to employ this tactic.


So, how do you do it? It’s simple. Just go to a competitor’s site. Most likely you already know who your main competition is within your niche, but if you don’t, look to see who is immediately around you in the search rankings. You want sites that you know sell the same products and services that you do, and that do well in the SERPs. That way, you are mining keywords that you know for a fact are successful for your customers. You can utilize a tool like Spyfu or SEMRush.That will get you a definitive list of keywords for the site, and you can compare them to what you’re already using. It’s simplicity itself, Orange County.


The ideal keywords to steal (or borrow, if you’d like), are ones around which you know you can create compelling content. Some of these new terms might give you blog ideas, for instance. This is white hat SEO, so set your mind at ease. All you’re doing is using your competitor’s website as another research tool. It’s more than likely they or their SEO company is doing the same thing with your site, so that should make you feel better if your conscience is still bothering you.