You may have recently launched a new website, or possibly at some point, you did a major overhaul of your current one. It’s all done in the name of SEO Orange County, since those page rankings are so critical in landing potential customers in your sales funnel. But perhaps when you launched that new website or revamped the old one, you didn’t immediately see the ranking you wanted. There are several reasons for this being the case, and in this article, we’ll look at some of the most likely ones.


When a site doesn’t index, it’s often due to something called “poor crawlability.” Crawlability refers to search engines being unable to read through the information on your site the way you’d like them to. One of the biggest reasons that this happens is through the poor structure of your internal links. You want to ask yourself these questions: does your homepage link to other pages on your website? Do those pages then link to further interior pages? If you find that they don’t, you need to fix that ASAP. If those links don’t work, web crawlers won’t be able to do their job, and Google and other search engines will discount your site.


Redirection and server errors are also poison for your website. 301-redirects and 404-error pages are an indication that you need to run through your code and find out what isn’t functioning as it should be. Any server issues that are occurring should be dealt with by your IT department, and the sooner, the better. Until you get those fixed, there’s zero chance you’ll be getting the rankings you want, and all the work that went into setting up or relaunching the website will have been for nothing.


Finally, be on the lookout for having too many URL parameters for the crawler to get past. This doesn’t happen much anymore, but occasionally you’ll get a website that still wants the crawler to get by three or more parameters. If this is happening, get your tech people to rewrite the code to make it shorter. If you just use keywords in your URLs, it virtually eliminates the possibility of this being an issue.


Once you’ve resolved any issues so that the crawlers are happy, you should see those rankings for which you worked so hard. Your website should be optimized, but the code should also be read without any problems. Making your site easy for search engines to find will result in its being easier for customers to discover as well.