It seems as though every year there is some SEO factor about which all the agencies in Orange County are clamoring. At one point it was keywords, and then visual content had its day in the sun. Then last year there was a frenzy about optimizing for voice search.

All of those things are important in the scheme of white hat SEO in 2018, but in this new year, if you talk to virtually any Orange County SEO company about what has their undivided attention, nine out of ten of them are going to mention backlinks. Let’s talk about why that is, and some surefire ways that you can score some backlinks to your website content.

Why All the Commotion About Backlinks?

Backlinks have always been critical for your SEO efforts, Orange County businesses, but why the sudden renewed emphasis on them? It all has to do with the Google algorithm. In its current iteration, backlinks are a major determining factor in whether you rank or not. Posts that garnered tens of thousands of backlinks are more than likely to be at the top of the SERPs, and that is where you want to be if your goal is to get people to discover your brand and visit your website.

The reason for this is the credibility factor. The more backlinks to your pages, especially if they come from reputable sites, the more Google feels like you’re an authority on the subject in question. If you’re an authority, then people who are searching for your niche or the subject matter on your site are going to want to know about you, and you deserve that high ranking.

How To Get Those Backlinks

So, now that you know how necessary backlinks are, how do you get them? Probably the best way is by creating posts with lots of statistics and data.

If your SEO company in Orange County were to look at all of the top results for any random handful of keywords, they would see that the ones which got thousands of shares, likes, retweets, backlinks, etc. almost always have a wealth of data and stats.

One might theorize that the reason for this is because stats and data (assuming they come from credible studies) prove points about which people feel strongly. For instance, if someone wants to prove to a skeptical friend that climate change exists, they might share a study that was done which shows that the number of catastrophic storms around the country is increasing.

What does this reveal, Orange County? You should conduct your own studies to determine some facts and data that you can use to pepper your posts and web pages. It’s almost guaranteed to get you backlinks, which in turn will get you high rankings.

With this in mind, talk to your SEO company in Orange County. Make sure that they know how to get you those valuable backlinks and all of the goodwill from Google that goes with them. Once you have some high-ranking pages, you’ll start to see your engagement numbers climb, and your sale numbers will follow in short order.