If your website is over two to three years old, you need a new web design in Los Angeles to bring it to the modern designs of 2023. Make sure that you look online at what your competitors are doing now. The bigger the company, the more likely, the better because they are spending much more than a smaller company. A non-technical company often has an outdated website because they don’t realize that the industry has changed so much over time. Sometimes you need to look at other similar industries to yours to see the modern designs, but it comes down to the basics below. We will share some with you.

Make sure that you have an easy UX, meaning you can have people who can come to your site and quickly move around and get the information they need. One of the effective methods of this is a mobile-friendly design that loads extremely fast and is responsive to many sizes of phones, including Androids and iPhones.

When it comes to copywriting, make sure your copywriting is excellent. You want to ensure that you have a great copywriter so that you get an interview and pull out the best information about your company. Make sure they are good at sales–you want to be an explainer, but also make sure you’re selling yourself still.

Ensure all your forms work excellently and are easy to fill out on each device. Ensure your phone numbers are easily clickable and pop up on the mobile device. And make sure your social media is easy to share with pretty icons that match your brand colors and fonts. These are easy to redesign and have fun with.

GIFs and moving images are fantastic on your new website because this shows that you are modern and have fun with the design. You can do these classy, cartoony pictures and have fun showing great design with your brand color and style of the website.

Have dark mode or light mode on your website. Dark mode is terrific when your website is exceptionally white. It is nice when you can change this if people want to surf your website in the dark or in a place where you shouldn’t be watching or looking over a website. And also, if your website is dark, it is nice to ensure you have a white mode of the website. This will brighten the screen for people that have devices that are hard to see. This will help you immensely and be unique.