When it was announced that for the first time more people were using their mobile devices to look at websites than there were using desktops and laptops, it was a game changer, Orange County. Many companies who had been neglectful of their mobile sites understood that they needed to make vital optimizations there or risk losing many potential customers. Incredibly, though, there are still some companies that are lax with their mobile website design. If you’re looking at your mobile site, be sure that it is optimized in the following areas.


You Need An Awesome Homepage


Your homepage is the doorstep to your company, and it will convince a potential customer of whether they want to step inside or keep strolling along to the next storefront. Your homepage should feature each of the following: an intro video, an overview of your services, some product features, an “about us” section, some testimonials, case studies, and resources. If that sounds like a lot, keep in mind that a customer who is interested enough in what they see should have no problem scrolling down a bit, Orange County.


Ask and Answer These Questions


As you look at your current mobile website design, ask yourself these questions. Why would someone want to access my site on mobile? What things would they be most likely to look for once they got there? Does my experience as presently constituted allow them to find those things easily? If you’re not able to put yourself in the mindset of a visitor to your website, you can always submit your site to UserTesting and get some feedback. Ease of usability is what you’re striving to achieve.




How fast your pages load matters regardless of what device a person is using, but for mobile site use, the pages should load almost instantaneously. If they aren’t doing so, hire a mobile website design company that can fix the problem, Orange County. People who are driving in the car or out walking around are prone to making split-second decisions about where they might wish to go and what they might want to do. They will discount your site and its usefulness and keep right on going if they feel that your site is inconveniencing them.


Mobile site use shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon, Orange County. Mobile website design should be very much on your mind as a business owner, and if you can’t get the job done with your programmers, you need to hire someone who can fix whatever persistent issues are hurting your user experience.