Interlinking is often an overlooked SEO strategy yet it is considered as one of the important factors in hitting ranking goals. Noted to help guide visitors around the website by making the link clickable and  providing the article itself to view more information, constantly linking a certain page on the site using a specific term or phrases helps search engines understand more the meaning of the page content.


It also lowers the website’s bounce rate which is a good thing.  Bounce rate is the number of visitors who leave the website after visiting a single page so if someone hits a page, chances are they’re going to link it again rather than go back to another site or search results.


From a strategic perspective, interlinking is important as it provides an audience to read further. It provides context for the reader and promotes older content too. It could also help improve ranking for keywords while it sends a clear signal to Google and other search engines that the page is relevant when they type the phrase.


Considered to be another avenue to promote an event and paid services, interlinking helps Google crawl the site to index pages more efficiently. It is noted that adding a link also adds value to the readers as it points them to an in-depth look at a topic. Internal links in these instances should be natural and should occur as part of the article flow.


Before posting internal links here a few mistakes to avoid:


  • The common mistakes made when it comes to linking internally is to continually link the same phrase over and over. Overlinking is said to be a problem if you link every second word on every page to another page.


  • Internal links that don’t open in a new window is another issue.  


  • Changing pages frequently is also a big no-no for this will affect all the internal links.


  • Be mindful of  the broken links.Be sure to navigate around and check the links to make sure that they’re functional.


Interlinking might just be one of the SEO strategies you can employ to rank better in search engines but if done right, it can help your website achieve it. Call us at 1(888) 375-3058 to learn more.