If you are reading this, chances are you already have heard about search engine ranking. Link building plays a critical role in ranking your website and is one of the essential factors of ranking in 2019. 

Once you have a user-friendly website by a website design company in Orange County such as Drive Traffic Media, it is essential to work on its SEO strategy! Read on to find how your link building can strengthen your SEO strategy. 

Be game to guest blog

Even in 2019, guest posting is still very relevant and is one of the primary link building strategies that will pay off in the long run. Keep in mind; you need to target only high-quality websites for guest posting – no carpet bombing in your email pitches. 

When planning for the next guest post, keep in mind the following factors:

  • The domain authority should be 50+
  • The social following should at least be 10,000+
  • Pay close attention to the monthly page views as well as monthly traffic 
  • Guest post for those websites which have a similar target audience for your business

Furthermore, you must ensure that those websites are into content syndication with high authority websites, as it will help you reap content syndication benefits, and is a scalable form of guest posting. This way, you will be able to take advantage of the high-quality content multiple times and stay ahead of the competition. 

Analyze Competitors Backlinks

The backlinks of your competitors play the role of an excellent sounding board. If you dissect the backlink, it will help you craft your backlink strategy quite easily. Take time to conduct an analysis of the backlinks on your competitor sites, and get a clear idea of the products and services of the target audience of your competitor and undertake this exercise first. 

Once you find your competitors, add them to Ahrefs or Moz’s Open Site Explorer to get a comprehensive picture of your competitor’s backlinks. Now you can export the detailed backlinks and do an extensive audit in terms of internal followed links, external followed links, domain authority, and the links that are dead or the ones from top URLs.

You can also use the ‘Link Intersect’ feature of Moz, which helps you investigate sites that link to your competitors. This option will make the process easier and help you focus your efforts on those websites that you still need to crack. 

What’s more? It is now easier to analyze the content of a client based on shares, and you will have a better idea of what works best for you to increase your audience engagement. 

Once you can analyze social media shares of your competitor, then you will have a fair idea about their content marketing strategy, and web design company in Orange County like Drive Traffic Media often provide data analytics about your competitors. 

Turn brand love into links 

It’s the perfect time to pull up your sleeves if you have not done this strategy yet. You have to keep an eye on the online brand mentions, and it is one of the most effective strategies for building reputations and links. It will help you generate links quickly and associate with the communities who are genuinely interested in your brand. 

If you take a moment to think about it, it’s easy to see that it is the best thing that can happen to you, letting your brands link to you is almost free money! It could be anything from sponsoring an event on Facebook or asking people to add a link to your brand name. You can use tools such as Google Alerts to receive notifications about your brand mentions. 

Deliver evergreen content on blogs

We all know that news content has the shortest shelf life. That being said, focus on creating evergreen content which remains relevant and useful for a more extended period of time, because if this content stays relevant to your audience, chances are that it will generate inbound links for you. 

It could be in the form of:

  • Listicle
  • Ebooks 
  • How-to posts 
  • To attract more audience, come up with SEO optimized and compelling titles 

Conduct expert roundup posts

Speak to the leading experts in your niche to ask for roundup posts, as these industry experts love to link back to articles, which will help you get backlinks with ease. 

So there you go with the best ways to generate quality backlinks for your business! High-quality backlinks are the master key to drive organic traffic to your blog. 

Website design company in Orange County can help provide the perfect backlinking strategy, for link building remains even in 2019 one of the essential SEO perspectives. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard, for you are competing with every other marketer to meet these goals!