There is a debate raging in Orange County and elsewhere about a fundamental concept of SEO. Optimization is not an exact science, which is why it is easy for these disputes to sometimes come up. The topic in question is content length, and when we’re talking about this issue, mainly what we’re speaking of is blogs. Blogs matter on a website because they are a source of fresh content, which is helpful to you for SEO, as Google will send crawlers your way when you post new material. But some web designers and content writers feel that the best way to climb the Google rankings is to post new material often that is of a shorter length. Others insist that long-form content posted more infrequently is better. Which side will you choose, Orange County?


There’s A Case To Be Made For Longer Content


There’s no hard-and-fast rule here. Both of these techniques have been demonstrated to have success from an SEO standpoint. However, following the most recent Google algorithm update, it has been shown that with most of the top search results, the average word count of a first page was upwards of 1,800 words. But wait, some content creators might interject at this point. What about if I’m concentrating on a mobile site for my Orange County business? Will long-form content work as well for it as it might for a desktop site? Yes, it will. It has been demonstrated conclusively that long-form content works as well for mobile sites as it does for desktop.


So, what is it about long-form posts that people enjoy? Most of us have shorter attention spans these days, so it seems counterintuitive that longer posts and pages will get more views, likes, and shares. The reason is that if you can speak with authority about something at length, it demonstrates your expertise in that subject matter. People who read it will be more impressed, and more inclined to share the content with others via social media. This is valuable for SEO, Orange County.


There’s one more reason to get on board with long-form content. The Google crawlers will be pleased by it too, provided your posts are high-quality. Google will understand that you are an expert in the area about which you are speaking and that you are providing in-depth content about the subject. It’s very likely that they will grant you a prominent ranking position because of it.


While it’s smart to post new content on a site regularly, it seems to be the wiser move to display longer, more in-depth material about a subject within your niche. It’s hard to make a significant impression with a shorter piece, so get together with your SEO company and try to come up with some ideas for longer blogs and articles. It’s a strategy that is likely to pay off for you.