When you formulate a social media ad campaign, Orange County businesses, you probably do so with high hopes. You feel like your campaign is going to be the biggest and the best, or at least the most clever and innovative. Who knows, you might have the most original idea ever, and it might turn into a marketing sensation. However, as you embark on this exciting journey, remember these three things that can halt any momentum for your campaign when it has hardly even begun.


Marketing On Too Many Platforms


This relates to knowing what social media channels your clients prefer, Orange County. There is no demographic so broad that they use every single social media platform. Before you begin your campaign, you or your SEO company needs to do the research to determine where your likely customers are spending their time. Is it Facebook? Instagram? Should you focus on Snapchat or YouTube? Once you’ve figured that out, you’ll be in much better shape.


Having An Incomplete Plan


It’s tempting to dive right into your social media ad campaign and hope for the best, but taking the time beforehand to map out your strategy gives you the best chance of success, Orange County. After choosing your social networks, you’ll then want to fill out your profiles on those platforms completely. You’ll then need to figure out what tone and style best represents you. When you post for your company, you should always post “in character.” That means you can be a little funny or playful if that’s your brand’s style, or you might need to be more serious. Whatever you decide, be consistent, so your brand can become recognizable.


Define Your Goals


You should have concrete goals for what you are trying to accomplish with any social media ad campaign. If you don’t say beforehand “we want this many followers, likes, shares, or sales,” then you will have no rubric by which to judge if you have achieved your objectives. To determine your goals, think about what you’d most like to accomplish. Is it increasing your website visits? Is it growing leads from your social media feeds? Maybe it’s expanding event attendance or improving your reach.


If you avoid these three common pitfalls, your campaign will have a much higher chance of success. An ad campaign is only as effective as the planning it took to stage it, so take this task seriously and be meticulous about the details.