For those in Orange County that have been using social media marketing to try and get ahead, it is easy to accept the impact that it can make on your business. Likely you have seen the evidence of it yourself in the form of more page views and conversions. Social media marketing is not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. But what does the future hold as it relates to this form of advertisement?


Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence, or AI, was once relegated to science fiction novels and speculative TV shows. But it is closer to reality than ever before, and some primitive forms of it already exist. Google’s Hummingbird update is a form of AI, in that it tries to intuit what people are searching for based on what they perceive to be their intent, not literally what they type into the search engine. What will AI mean for social media marketing, Orange County? That’s not yet certain. What’s clear is that AI will insinuate itself gradually into our lives, and there’s no reason to think that social media advertising will be an exception.


Smart Speakers


Like AI, smart speakers have already begun to make an appearance in people’s homes, though their popularity at the moment is probably nowhere near the levels it will one day reach. If someone looks for something by using a smart speaker, is it outside the realm of possibility that sponsored advertising will work its way into the responses it gives us? It is not difficult to visualize a future where smart speakers will be used to access social media platforms, and the marketing aspect will come in the form of spoken ads telling of sales or exclusive coupons.


Public Use to Private Use?


Not long ago, private messaging services overran public ones, when people who had once been active on Twitter and Facebook switched over to platforms like Snapchat, Messenger, and WhatsApp. That is because people are losing trust in social media sites because of their data being stolen or sold. What’s somewhat ironic is that Facebook owns both Messenger and Whatsapp.


What this means, Orange County, is that Facebook now has an opportunity for perhaps even deeper and richer data mining than anything of which it was previously capable. That also may pave the way for social media advertising that is more personal and targeted than anything we’ve seen before.


Social media is still relatively new in the grand scheme of things, Orange County, but it has already seen more than one seismic shift in the way it has been used for marketing. As these platforms continue growing and evolving, the way companies advertise to consumers will likely undergo further upheaval. The best bet for a business is to try and stay on top of the trends and keep seeking out their niche wherever they are spending their time.