Web design in Los Angeles is an incredibly vast field, so don’t be surprised if your website uses a lot of these components! Coding is very important to web design as it makes a website functional and interactive. Each website uses several coding languages in its web design to have unique features and applications running on the website, and this article will talk about the different coding languages of web design for you.




HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is the cornerstone of web design. In fact, almost every web designer has started out with the basics of HTML because it is used to create the basic structure of a website. It points out the website’s content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other elements. HTML is a markup language and does not have any programming capabilities. This means that it is used to create a static website, which means the content does not change unless the HTML code is edited.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is used to enhance the presentation of a website. It styles the HTML elements and gives them a visual appeal. With CSS, a web designer can change the color, font, size, layout, and other aspects of the web design to suit their preferences. CSS can also create animations and effects, making a website more engaging and interactive and dynamic.

So, while HTML creates the text, CSS adds color and flair to it. Again, this creates a static website that won’t change unless the code is changed.



JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity and functionality to a website. It is used to create dynamic websites that respond to user input. With JavaScript, a web designer can create interactive forms, menus, and other user interface elements. It can also be used to create animations, games, and other multimedia applications. This is when user input starts coming into play!


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

PHP is a server-side scripting language that creates dynamic websites. It is used to interact with a database, which enables a website to store and retrieve information such as credit card information or log-in details. PHP is commonly used in content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress and Drupal. It is also used to create e-commerce websites and web applications.



Python is a high-level programming language used in web development. It creates web applications, data analysis, and artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Python is easy to learn and has an extensive library of modules, making it a popular choice among web developers who want to get far ahead in the business.



Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language used to create web applications. It is commonly used in the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework, simplifying development. RoR is used to create e-commerce websites, social networking sites, and other web applications. It is another great option for web designers looking to be on top of their game.


SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is a database programming language used to manage and manipulate data. It creates, modifies, and deletes databases and their contents. SQL is commonly used in web development to store and retrieve database data.



In conclusion, web design requires a combination of different coding languages to create a functional, interactive, and visually appealing website. All these languages have something to offer you and your website–HTML provides the foundation, CSS adds visual appeal, JavaScript adds interactivity, PHP and Python create dynamic websites, Ruby creates web applications, SQL manages and manipulates data.

Understanding these coding languages and their applications is essential for web designers and developers. Thus, you must ensure the web designers you hire have experience in most, if not all, of these coding languages to get you the best website possible!


If you’re looking for high-qualified Los Angeles web designers, Drive Traffic Media can help you there. Our team of accomplished web designers can build the website you’ve always wanted. Call us at (949) 800-6990 or (310) 341-3939 to get started.