Website design isn’t easy, and if you’ve heard otherwise, you’ve been misled. It’s true that there are always going to be web savants who take to it like a fish to water, but for the rest of us, there are dozens of skills that must be mastered to create a site with intuitive features that everyone will understand how to use.

Orange County business owners handle website design in different ways. Some of them hire an SEO company to do it, or else they might have someone on staff who can do the job. Some even attempt to learn the necessary skills themselves.

If you belong to this third group, that’s commendable, and you’ll likely find the web design skills that you learn to be quite rewarding. Before you get started, though, you should consider the following factors.

What is Meant by Website Design?

This appears to be a simple question to answer, Orange County. Website design means building a site from the ground up, which entails having a basic knowledge of coding, and also the patience to learn the fundamentals of a platform like WordPress. There are some other ones out there, but WordPress is the one that is preferred by most web designers, and you’ll be in good company if that’s your choice.

Apart from that, though, website design means marrying a visual element to an interactive one. Therefore, as you set about designing the site for your company, you’re going to want both an appealing aesthetic element and also ease of use for each unique visitor. Above all else, those should be your goals. Don’t ever forget that.

What Coding Languages Do You Need?

At a minimum, the coding languages that you should learn if you want to build a website for your Orange County business are HTML, Java, and CSS. Apart from that, you should be familiar with the basic rules of visual design. This means that you should know what a landing page and product pages should look like since they all share certain similar features.

Look at other sites for inspiration, and see what they’re doing with the color scheme, the font, and other visuals. More importantly than that, though, see how each page is constructed, and how and where the elements are located that you want people to notice most. You’ve probably never taken the time to deconstruct a website before, but now is the time to do it if you want yours to be competitive in your niche.

Website design for Orange County business owners can be a fun and exciting journey, but it will also be challenging and time-consuming. You’d better have a good deal of time and determination because both will be required if you’re to succeed in this venture.