Every day, literally billions of people use their mobile phones to look at websites, Orange County. If you think that mobile website design is unimportant or that it doesn’t need your full attention, you’d better think again. Mobile sites now matter more than desktop or laptop ones if we’re judging purely from interaction percentage. That’s why you need to be sure that your mobile website is fully optimized, and you can’t afford to forget about these features.


You Don’t Need That Navbar


You might think that a navbar is a necessity for your mobile site, Orange County, but that is not the case. With mobile sites, space on the screen is at a premium, and a navbar takes up too much of it. Instead, you can use what’s called a hamburger menu. This is almost like a drawer that drops down to allow the visitor to see the options that would be there with a navbar. It’s a space saver.


Essential Elements Must be Accessible


Think about the way that people use their mobile devices, Orange County. If they’re on the go, then they might be doing it with one free hand, distracted by a conversation or what’s happening around them. The best mobile website design is one which allows a person to interact with a single thumb, and that means putting the most critical features front and center. Secondary and tertiary functions can be up at the top of the screen, or at the bottom.


File Sizes Should Be Minimized and Optimized


The images on your site affect your load time dramatically, and this could mean your site being dropped down in the SERPs, Orange County. Superior mobile website design calls for smaller file sizes that will allow the pages to load quickly. There are several different sites that you can use to minimize your image sizes so that they will fit more easily on your mobile site. ImageOptim and TinyJPG are two good ones.


If you follow these tips for mobile website design, then your visitors should have a pleasant experience on your site, Orange County businesses. The site and pages will load quickly, the UX will be enjoyable, and they will be more likely to buy from you. Don’t allow yourself to lose out on business because your mobile site is poorly constructed. Put the time and the work in and it will pay dividends.