Fashion trends come and go. Whether it’s clothes, makeup, hairstyles, or graphics, you’re bound to see styles that are more popular than others.

As a leading provider of web design services in Irvine, it’s super important for us to stay on top of the trends. We always want our clients to be at the very top of their games, and that involves being one step ahead of their competitors. We want their websites, the lifeline of their online business, to always be trendy and innovative, and refreshing.

So, if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas to make your website look more interesting, then we have a suggestion for you—typography! This field of graphic design is often taken for granted, which is a shame. The right mix of font sizes, colors, and faces can really elevate your web design in Irvine and make it stand out from the crowd.


Let’s take a look at eight easy ideas to improve your website’s typography.

1. Handwritten Fonts

Although handwritten fonts are anything but new and innovative, they’re still very much in style. Handwriting differs from person to person, so you know you’re going to get something unique for your business if you incorporate your handwriting.

Additionally, handwritten fonts give your brand a very down-to-earth feel. While other logos are professional, corporate, and downright boring sometimes, handwritten fonts are more approachable. It gives the vibe that you’re catching up with a friend rather than giving a company your business.

2. Vintage Fonts

Similar to handwritten fonts, vintage fonts have been all the rage lately because of their sentimental value. It reminds us of days long past when farmer’s markets, barbershops, retro diners, and all things vintage were abundant. As you can imagine, vintage fonts work best with people from older generations who would no doubt get a kick from this blast to the past.

This type of typography works best with products prevalent back then. It can help you tap into their adolescent or childhood memories and convince them to relive them.

3. Cut and Layered Fonts

Want to make your typography look 3D without 3D? Then try layering a bunch of colors together! It gives this cool, cut-out effect that really makes the letters pop. The randomness of the colors makes the font look very intriguing, and you can easily spend a few minutes just looking at the pretty colors.

And you don’t necessarily have to use the same texture as the one below. You can use other patterns like swirls, paint splatters, stripes, hearts, polka dots, and so much more. You have a lot of free reign when it comes to cut and layered fonts, so get creative and see what you can come up with.

4. Variable Fonts

There are lots of fonts out there that look great and all, but they aren’t variable. They can’t be made bold or italic, or if they do, they don’t look as nice. Some fonts only look good the bigger they are. If they’re smaller, they’re illegible or straining on the eye.

And let’s not forget to mention the fonts that don’t show up on all computers—when this happens, the computer automatically switches the font to something it can understand, and the alternative font may not look good with the rest of the site either.

The bottom line is that you need a font that works in all situations. From bold to italic to big or small, the font needs to be versatile, especially now that the Internet can be accessed through mobile phones, tablets, and even watches!

5. Contrasted Fonts

As the popular saying goes, “Opposites attract.” The same principle applies to typography, and you can easily highlight the most important parts of your message by simply making the words bigger. Big fonts grab the attention, while small fonts provide information that viewers need if they’re interested in learning more.

Again, this isn’t anything revolutionary in web design in Irvine. In fact, it’s probably one of the oldest tricks in the book—why do you think so many sale announcements are big, bold, and red? It’s a tried-and-tested method that is guaranteed to get you conversions if you do it right, so don’t be afraid to make things bigger and more beautiful.

6. Repeating Fonts

Oddly enough, you’ve got Kanye West to thank for this recent typography trend. It’s easy to understand a brand’s message if it repeats itself over and over and over on a website. It’s like having a pattern, but instead of imagery, you use words!

And the best part is that you don’t need much of an artistic eye for this. Again, it’s just words that repeat themselves, after all, so all you really need to do is copy and paste. However, try and do this tastefully still—only use basic colors that won’t hurt the eye, and space the words out, so it doesn’t blur together.

Repeating typography works best for creative and artistic small businesses that want to look cool and mysterious.

7. Mashed-Up Fonts

Mashed-up fonts, admittedly, can easily become a trainwreck if not done properly. However, if you find that perfect balance of fonts and colors, you can come up with something just as magical as the example below (pun intended!).

The trick is not to do anything willy-nilly. Some fonts look better paired with others—a handwritten, swirly font would look remarkably out of place with bold, professional-looking fonts. So, you need to experiment with the types of fonts you’d like. Make a list of all the fonts you’re considering and narrow it down until only two or three remain.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to reign the colors in too. Maybe use two or three colors to start with, then start using more when you’ve got practice. You want things to be mashed up but also work together.

8. Colorful Fonts

Colorful fonts immediately enrapture one’s attention. One could say they’re better than single-colored fonts and logos because they seem to have more life and energy. Who wouldn’t appreciate a pop of color every once in a while?

Not only that, but colorful fonts show that you’ve got versatility and diversity. You don’t just do one thing—you do multiple things! In the case of Google, they’re not only a search engine but also a word document, spreadsheet, website builder, classroom, and more. And what better way to represent that than by being multiple colors at once?

Check out other web design tips here: