One thing that you really need to understand is that SEO content is all about the audience.

If you want to improve content marketing and get a true return on your investment, focus on creating the best SEO content that readers will enjoy and find useful.

The top priority for SEO content in 2019 is your audience. You need to know and understand what your audience is searching for. When you write in the right way, your writing and content will rank higher in search engines.

9 keys to creating the best SEO content in 2019

Write to the right person using targeted keywords

You can’t reach your target audience if your content is not optimized through targeted keywords.

What does “target keyword” mean?

These are key terms and phrases that your audience is actively searching for. To find these terms, you must first understand:

• Who is your audience segment?

• What kind of information do they need?

• Why do they need this information?

• Which keywords do they use to find it?

This may look a lot, but if you break it down into several activities, it’s not that difficult:

Audience Research: Identify the type of audience you think you want/need. Then find the place where they are gathered online. Talk to them. Investigate them.

Keyword research: Find relevant profitable keywords related to your expertise, product/services, and audience search intent.

Topic research: Present content topics based on the target keywords you find and what your audience wants to learn/understand.

Focus on readability

Orange County SEO company emphasizes on the need to improve the readability of your content. When a potential client clicks on your website link, it should draw him to move to the next paragraph or page. The content should be engaging enough to prompt him to stay and read further.

The better is the readability of your content, the longer will be the dwell time i.e., the duration from when the visitor stumbles on your website and then returns to the search engine results page.

Improving your readability improves the dwell time, only if your content has the following features: 

• Clarity

• Organization

• Logic

• Simplicity

Learn more about your content

An important search engine optimization trend in 2019 is to create in-depth topics.

Websites that provide an excellent depth of content coverage will be ranked in the search engines, while sites with weaker content will be affected negatively.

So how do you create more in-depth content?

• Write a long blog post – consider 2000 words or more.

• Explore topics with many different aspects and perspectives.

• Write the ultimate guide.

Improve your page speed

Help your pages and content to load completely and display faster.

The slower your page is, the more frustrated your users are.

Who wants to sit there waiting for the site to load?

According to BBC News, half of the shoppers will not wait for more than 3 seconds of page loading.

Invest some effort in visual content 

According to research, articles that feature images enjoy almost 94% of views compared to articles without images. That’s because we pay attention to the images and respond to them better. Insert well-designed, high-quality images into your content to create more impact on readers instead of investing in random, overused stock photos.

Provide facts 

Today, the Internet makes it easy for any “expert” to make strange claims without any supporting data.

It means that those who provide support for facts, sources, and data in their content will easily stand out. The key to trustworthy SEO content? research!

Format the contents of the featured code snippet

Selected snippets have recently received a lot of attention in the SERP, and this will only continue.

According to the Orange County SEO company, featured clips get the first position at the top of the page – such a great place to be!

To increase the likelihood that content will be “snipped” into the featured code snippets, you can try the following strategies:

• Answer questions clearly in your content.

• Make high-quality content

• Use a list with numbers and bullets.

• Include statistics and data.

• Build your content logically.

Become an expert

Today, Google looks for an authoritative/expert author of the content. Therefore your online reputation is very important.

Reputation evidence can include the following:

  • First-person experience
  • What the wider network says about you
  • Website Reputation Guide

Include an “About” page on your website as well as the author’s bio page. This is critical in building a solid online reputation.

Do original research

The original research is a huge link magnet for SEO content.

If you can include new statistics, research, and new information in your content, you will get plenty of opportunities like other sites linking to you and/or cite your findings or discoveries.

There is no doubt that research is a great way to improve SEO content.

Start with the tips suggested by the Orange County SEO company above, and see how your content soars higher in search engine rankings.