This probably isn’t the first article you’ve read that is pushing you to take a look at Pinterest for its social media marketing potential, Orange County. But if you’ve felt in the past that it was too much of a specialized niche or that you’d be better off sticking with Facebook or Twitter because of their higher overall engagement numbers, now is the time to reconsider. As autumn is upon us and kids reluctantly wave goodbye to summer, Pinterest is poised to see a flood of back-to-school ads, an indication that major retailers are willing to throw significant ad dollars at the platform.


Is Pinterest On The Rise?


Social media marketing on different platforms ebbs and flows, Orange County. There have been times when Twitter or Facebook have taken hits because of various factors, usually having to do with the inevitable privacy concerns. But DSW, Kohl’s, and other notable names in the industry feel strongly enough about Pinterest that they are backing the platform as their go-to this fall.


Being visually-oriented, Pinterest users are likely to respond well to images of light jackets, new jeans, sneakers, and book bags that they will lose no time hunting for online and in stores. Pinterest expects 50 million back-to-school shoppers to use the platform in the coming season. That’s a hard number to ignore.


What Does That Mean For Your Business?


So what does that mean for your social media marketing campaigns, Orange County? If you’re not a purveyor of shoes or clothing, then you might still be unconvinced by these figures. The reality is, though, that Pinterest has continued to expand at a rapid clip over the past five years, and it isn’t seen as a specialized market like it once was. Your ad campaign will reach a broader cross-section of ages and income levels through Pinterest, and if you sell any physical product, all you need is a professional photographer to make an ad campaign through this medium worth your while. That’s especially true in a time when Facebook is once again making headlines for all the wrong reasons.


In the end, it’s up to you how you spend your ad dollars. But social media marketing preferences can change on a dime, and you may wish to strike while the iron is hot. Consider Pinterest, or at the very least, huddle with an SEO company to discuss the merits of the possibility. 50 million back-to-school shoppers. Think about it.