Business owners who are fully engaged in modern advertising trends should understand the importance social media platforms play in promoting their companies. The biggest ones, like Twitter, are especially important, and in this article, we’ll talk a little about Twitter and SEO Orange County. This information will be helpful, because search engine optimization sends your company’s name to the top of the Google rankings, and that means more page views, more brand recognition, and a bigger share of the marketplace.


You want your website to be optimized, so that more people will visit, and the same thing can be said of your Twitter feed. In order to make sure that happens, you can actually employ some similar strategies to what you would for your business website. The most obvious example of this is by using keywords, but there’s an important difference between keyword usage on your website and with Twitter. Once you’ve determined what your keywords should be (they’re the most common words or phrases people use in searching for the products you’re selling), you should turn them into hashtags. This isn’t beneficial for you on your website, but with Twitter, it’s essential.


Once you’ve done that, it will ensure that when people search for a specific topic on Twitter using one of your keywords, your tweets will appear. They will also connect these searches to the critical “Twitter’s Trends Feed,” thereby showing people what others are searching for at any given time. Why is that important? If people see that something is trending, it’s going to be much more on their radar than if just a couple of random people are searching for it. People on the periphery are more inclined to see what’s going on with your brand, if they notice there’s already an influx of activity happening around it. It’s essentially the “lemming effect.” If people see that others are doing something, they’ll want to do it too.


As you can see, when we talk about the importance of Twitter as it relates to brand promotion and optimization, we’re not kidding. Make sure that you have a Twitter account for your brand, and don’t just make half-hearted tweets every couple of days. Make sure those tweets are optimized, set a regular schedule for them, and engage with your followers. Do all those things, and you’re sure to reap the rewards, in the form of rapid brand growth.