Facebook Tip #9 Facebook Engagement through Contents


No matter how informative your Facebook business page content is, at times, engagement is still hard to get. It is a necessity though for businesses here in Orange County to increase visibility to the social media platforms as well as to search engines by developing and growing engagement on the business page. One way to do it is through posting contents.



If you are struggling to get engagement, don’t worry, you are not alone. Here are a few tips that you can try to make your content more “eye-catching” to your audience:

1. Draw attention to a certain keypoint(s) in your Content. If you have itemized certain procedures or benefits of your product, what you can try is post a point about it in a statement or question form. For example:



2. Interchange photo and video. If you’re constantly posting videos, the tendency is for your audience to get bored with it. Change to photo from time to time and check the insights to find out which ones get the most engagement.

3. Encourage clicks of your link by promising your audience valuable information when they do so. The mystery or suspense behind your post is what will make your audience check it out.



4. Lean more on creating lasting (Evergreen) contents instead of crafting contents based on trends. Updates will come and go but contents that provide information that lasts usually draw people in.



5. Use emoticons on your posts as this are more expressive compared to plain text.


6. Find time to engage with your fans. Acknowledging commentaries or thanking them let’s them know that their opinions are valued. Sometimes, we neglect doing this and we undermine its importance so don’t miss doing this.

7. Know which images to include on your posts. According to the post by The Social Media Examiner about the research conducted by Taggs:

  • Users prefer to see pictures of retail products without people, making it easier for them to visualize wearing or having an advertised product.
  • Casual images that show partial body shots like hands and feet are associated with higher Facebook likes.
  • If your retail business has a unique brand asset comprised of people such as the notable models at Victoria’s Secret and A&F, then images of people may indeed help boost engagement.



8. Check out your competitor’s page and find out which strategy work best for them and apply the same while applying your own artistic or creative skills.


9. Experiment with how you display your images. You can make a collage, album or display the images one at a time and check how well your fans react to them.

10. Timing. According to the survey, the peak engagement time is 3PM EST but you can always check when your fans are online by clicking on Insights then Posts. Below is an example:



11. If your business is closed during the weekend and you saw that your fans are online during those days ( example shown above), then take time to create Schedule posts.


12. Use tags on your posts as this will optimize your online presence and improve visibility.



13. Use a variety of CTA (Call-to-Action) to encourage engagement and tell your readers what you want them to do on your page.



14. Do a series or do a sequel presentation to make them look or wait for more like the Top Ten Facebook Secrets that we are doing right now 🙂

15. Go Mobile. Over 50% of Americans access their social media accounts (especially Facebook) using smartphones so take your business to an App form. This will remind your audience about your business even if they are on-the-go.




There are still many ways by which you can make your content interesting and engaging. One important thing to note is, if you post content from other sources, make sure that you don’t lead your fans or readers to your source or competitor’s site as it will defeat the purpose of boosting your site’s engagement in the first place.

If you’re a business owner in Orange County who wants to get engagement on your brand, these tips can be applied on your Facebook business page content to connect more with your customers and get them to engage more on your page. If you need a social media marketing strategy especially in getting more engagement in Facebook, give us a call at 949-800-6990 or fill out the contact us form for a free consultation.