One of the things that’s a bit tricky about SEO is that sometimes you can implement a strategy and you won’t see it completely take effect for weeks, or even months. For those who don’t understand it, it’s easy to be dismissive and say that it’s not working. But some parts of optimization take time, and you will eventually see the results for which you are looking if you’re patient and give things a chance.

Of course, there are also some aspects of SEO that go into effect much quicker once you implement them, and those are the ones we’re going to talk about today. If you’ve hired an Orange County SEO company to optimize your business website or run your social media feeds, then you’ll want them to be doing SEO for both your long and short-term goals, but let’s go over four things such a company can do that should bring you some quick results.

Customized Lead Forms

Customized lead forms are forms that you can insert in strategic places on your website for various purposes. They might be there so that a visitor can sign up for your webinar. They may be gathering personal information for a mailing list, or they might be there for a pretext like naming a new product, but their real purpose is still to collect information about your potential customers.

The best place for your Orange County SEO company to insert customized lead forms is wherever your most popular posts are located. Conventional thinking is that the posts which are the most popular can’t be determined unless they’ve already been up on your site for a while, but that’s not entirely accurate.

While it’s true that you can’t know how an individual post is going to perform until it has gone live, you can still take a logical guess as to which posts are going to do well based on how other ones have done. If you’re publishing a 3-part series in blog form about some topic and the first two have done exceptionally well, then the culminating post should be one that gets a customized lead form. It’s highly likely that form will see a lot of engagement.

Paid Ads with Your Best Posts

This notion is similar to the last one, but instead of your best-performing posts getting customized lead forms, your Orange County SEO company can put paid ads there. For this technique, you should move away from your website and start using your social media platforms.

If you’re using Facebook, for instance, and you know from research that a particular kind of post from you gets more engagement than all the others, you should have one of your paid ads appear next to that post. You already know that the individuals who are looking at that post have an interest in your niche, so luring them to your website or making them aware of one of your new products via a paid ad makes a lot of sense.

Your SEO company can also further modify this technique by having a few different versions of your paid ads and putting the one next to each post that seems most appropriate. If the post can mention the product that you’re advertising in some way, then one is the perfect lead-in to the other.

Build Your Content Library

You want to appear as an expert in your chosen field, Orange County. If you’re a local chain of hardware stores, then you should be blogging about things like DIY home improvement projects. Your blogs should provide all kinds of tips and tricks that other sites wouldn’t think to post. This shows that you’re an undisputed authority in this area.

Your Orange County SEO company, assuming that they are writing on your behalf, need to create a content library for your website that reinforces this image for yourself. People will want to buy from you if they feel that you’re an expert, because if you’re endorsing and using your products in a context that seems relatable to your site visitors, then they’ll want to try the same things that you’re doing.

To do this, it’s helpful if your SEO company can come up with blog topics that naturally tie into each other. By doing so you can create a system of internal links where it is appropriate to do so, and this will lend you a lot of SEO credibility with search engines.

Emphasize Social Media Engagement

There’s a ton of different things that your Orange County SEO company can do on social media that will help you both immediately and over time, but the one we wanted to mention is the emphasis on engagement over likes and follows. Yes, it’s nice when someone likes something that you’ve posted, and when they start following you. Both are helpful, but it’s even more valuable if you can get more people to engage with you by replying to your posts and putting in their two cents.

The reason you want people to do this rather than merely liking one of your posts or following you is that you’ll be seen as possessing more social media power if your company is creating buzz, which is to say more engagement. But what is the best way to do that?

The best method of creating social media chatter is by posting provocative things. That could mean querying people about something that’s in the news, or it might mean taking a stand about a particular issue.

You don’t want to lose any customers by saying something controversial, but at the same time, you know the demographic that is most interested in your services and products. There is no harm in appealing to them if it means alienating another group that wasn’t likely to buy from you in the first place.  

Your Orange County SEO company should find plenty to keep them busy as soon as you hire them. You can get them started in these four areas, then give them a list of the other SEO factors on which you want them to concentrate. Be sure that the agency you hire has its eye on the short and the long-term SEO game. You’ll need to utilize both if you hope to dominate in your market.