How far will a traditional brick-and-mortar store get you your sales targets and business growth? In this highly digital world, business owners and entrepreneurs are flocking to the internet to develop a solid E-commerce marketing strategy to start pulling in target markets, convert sales and increase return-on-investment (ROI).




Do you agree that Facebook is the world’s largest online shopping mall? The biggest social media channel represents an enormous potential market for your social networking efforts. Actively promoting an online store using Facebook advertising will best draw attention to your E-commerce business. Zephoria shows an estimated 1.86 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide. Switching into an E-commerce business seems like a well-sound plan. With ample competition in online retail or online shopping, don’t miss the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and pull in a significant number of online shoppers.

Facebook ads help E-commerce businesses increase traffic, get more conversions and repeat sales from previous customers. Here’s how:


  1.  Custom Audience and Lookalike Audience

Upload your existing customer’s email addresses to create a custom audience. Facebook will then use the email list to look for users who used the same email addresses to set up their Facebook accounts. By doing so, you can target your marketing ads to an audience who shows interest in buying your products or services. Another Facebook tool to help you discover new customers is Lookalike Audience. Lookalike Audience matches the interests and demographics of users who have similar profile data to your existing customers. This method increases your leads and increases the number of likes on your Facebook business page.


  1. Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)

Dynamic Product Ads are a very beneficial element of your Facebook marketing strategy for your E-commerce business.  Facebook’s DPA known as retargeting, is the best tool for following an online shopper (who has browsed your products) in adverts all over the web. Facebook’s DPAs will pull images, pricing, and product names from the product details you send to Facebook. This is to reach prospects who have viewed your products and motivate them to click on your ad, add it to the cart, and complete the purchase.


  1. Quality and Captivating Facebook Ads

Be creative and unique in creating your Facebook Ads and tailored them to your target audience. Use clear, concise, and captivating images and videos for your ad to stand out.


Drive Traffic Media will figure out ways to keep your online business grow and get more E-commerce business through Facebook ads. Call us at (949)800-6990, or (310)341-3939 to find out how.