When people think of blogs, they might imagine a personal website created by an individual with opinions or experiences to share. While starting out as a public diary, blogs have evolved into informative marketing strategies for many businesses. According to Orange County web design experts, business-to-business marketers say that companies who use blogs acquire 67% more leads than companies who don’t. So, how does this happen? Let’s dive into all the ways that blogs can benefit your brand. 

How Blogs Can Benefit Your Brand

Driving Traffic

Blogs are a great way to drive traffic to your website. They are a valuable source of organic SEO. The more content you create through blogs, the better chance you have of raising your status in search engines like Google. Search engines recognize a website with an abundance of original content and will reward the source based on keywords and keyphrases. Blogs can help establish your authority within your area of expertise, especially when linking other reputable sources within your content. You may even start to see your blogs being linked in other online content, which is essentially free marketing. 

Building Credibility 

When forming a reputation for your business, blogs can help put a voice to your brand. They should be written in the same tone and style as your other content to make your company consistent and identifiable. Blogs should be informative, accurate, and relevant to your industry. When your website has quality blogs like this, it will show that you are doing more than selling. Web design experts in Orange County, particularly Drive Traffic Media, say that 47% of consumers engage with 3-5 pieces of online content before making any move to purchase.

Starting a Conversation

Many e-commerce businesses need to actively nurture a relationship with customers online because there is no face-to-face interaction. Blogs can humanize the interactions between a consumer and a brand, both before and after transactions. You can utilize monthly blogs to remind your customers of the value you offer and retain their loyalty. Some businesses may even find use in blog commenting. At the end of blog posts, you can take the opportunity to ask your customers to comment their thoughts, suggest future blog topics, and give their feedback on your product or service. This open form of communication can help build trust and confidence in a brand. 

Contributing to Social Media

If you ever find yourself running out of content for social media, then you may consider turning to blogs for inspiration. Blog topics can inform the kind of content you post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Instead of having to come up with new subjects for every platform, you can reword your blogs into captions, posts, and even link them in your bio. Your social media will be a great place to promote your company blog and show that you are more than salesmen. The other great thing about blogs is that you can repost the same ones over and over again, highlighting different elements of the information. 

Jumpstarting Email Marketing 

Much like social media, email marketing is about selling your product or service while also giving value back to the customer. Since emails are not as interactive as social media, they need to be crafted in an engaging manner. Blogs can be used throughout email blasts in order to highlight your authority in your industry and offer something useful to your customer. Blogs offer a portal to your website, which consumers can browse after gaining value from your blog post. You can attach blogs in newsletters, marketing campaigns, and even integrate them within the email itself. 

Personalizing Your Brand

As we’ve mentioned, blogs are a great way to put a voice to your brand. They are also helpful when it comes to bigger companies and corporations. Blogs are written by an individual, rather than a collective, so you can use them as an opportunity to create more intimate communication with customers. Mom and Pop shops also require a blog to introduce themselves to prospects and prove why they are just as good as their competitors. Setting your brand apart with a blog will ultimately help you win the attention and loyalty of customers. 

Answering Your Audience

If you pay any attention to social media comments and reviews, then you’ll see your customers and prospects talking about things involving your product or service. You should take advantage of these forums to learn what questions or concerns your audience has and then communicate answers and solutions within your blogs. Your audience will feel “understood” when they see that your blog posts are speaking directly to their experiences. 

Introducing Your Industry

While blogs are mostly in text form, you can also attach images and videos to help flesh out the content. If you are including a DIY blog, then you might have a helpful video or sequence of photos for your audience to visualize your instructions. Images and videos can also feature your employees and your office/warehouse environment. This will give a sort of “inside look” at your company culture and help convey your dedication to your industry. If you already have branded videos and images for your company, then you might as well utilize them in blog posts in order to show your brand identity in its fullest form. 

Final Thoughts

There are so many benefits to creating a blog for your website, from gaining traffic to establishing a reputation for your brand. Experts recommend at least one blog a month in order to consistently get traction for related keywords in your industry. If you are worried about having enough time to create quality, search-engine-optimized blogs, then you can always hire a digital marketing company with blog-writing services and SEO knowledge. Drive Traffic Media is one of the best full-service agencies in Orange County and Los Angeles. Our professional copywriters can help you create a voice for your blog posts and find the best topics to target your consumers. Once you create your blog, you will be on your way to generating more leads and more conversions. Get started today!