Social Media Marketing in Orange County- Facts on How to Get Likes


Let’s face it. Being social is part of our existence as humans and what better way to get social than through our favorite social media account, Facebook? It came a long way from being restricted to campus students to what it has right now- an incredible 1.44 billion monthly active users with  936 million active  daily users ( 161 million of which are from Canada and US alone). So why are people drawn so much on Facebook?

The reason is simple.  We want to kill boredom and entertain ourselves with the updates we see from friends and the public in general. That is why, an average of 8 hours a month is spent by Americans on Facebook. It also serves as an outlet for our “self-expression” and “interpersonal communication” among our peers. However, the only way we know that our self-expression is acceptable to others is by garnering ‘Likes’ or ‘Comments’ from people who viewed our posts. If we’re the type of Facebook user who wants to get ‘Liked,’ here are some of the tips you might want to take note:

  • Posting photos on Facebook gets 53% more likes and 104% more comments compared to any other posts, so if you’re the person who likes ‘selfie’ or ‘groupie’, count more ‘likes’ in.


  • With Facebook, the philosophy of “less is more” applies when it comes to posting text. Social media people nowadays prefer to watch rather than read so text post with more than 80 characters rarely get engagement compared to text posts that are 80 characters less.


  • Ask rather than state. Posts that ask questions are 100% more likely to get comments compared to ‘non-question’ posts


  • The peak time of Facebook activity is 3PM EST so make sure to post around this time to get more people to ‘like’ your post. You can also do it around 11AM or 8PM as activity spikes are also noted at this times.


  • Avoid overwhelming your followers or audience. Posting once or twice a day  would more likely get you 40% engagement rather than posting every hour!


All these statistics of course are just results of a social media study. If you’re a business owner in Orange County who wants to get your brand seen, posting frequency and time depend a lot on testing and analysis. If you need a social media marketing strategy especially in getting more engagement in Facebook, give us a call at 949-800-6990 or fill out the contact form for a free consultation.