It’s easy to call yourself a social media company, Orange County. There are no qualifications for giving yourself that title; you don’t have to pass the bar. That’s why it’s so critical for you to vet any social media companies that you’re thinking about hiring to run your ad campaigns. Luckily, sussing out whether social media companies are legit or not is relatively easy. Just ask them some questions about their previous experience and see what they’re able to bring to the table regarding campaign ideas, and you should be able to get an accurate impression of them.


Knowing how to run a successful social media ad campaign, however, is just as much about understanding what not to do as it is knowing what techniques will prove successful. You’ll want to avoid companies that do any of the following.


Using the Wrong Social Media Platforms


This is likely one of the worst things that Orange County social media companies are sometimes guilty of, and it happens fairly often. Your company might think “oh, Facebook is popular, I’ll just use that.” What must be acknowledged is that different target audiences prefer different platforms. If you’re looking for an audience that skews female, younger, has more expendable income, or whatever else the case might be, you need to be advertising in the right places. If you’re bombarding the wrong social media platforms with your ads and you’re not getting any engagement, then you’re wasting both time and money.


Targeting the Incorrect Audience


Targeting the wrong audience with your social media campaign can be just as detrimental as using the wrong platforms. If you don’t comprehend who your audience is or what they’re interested in, how can you market to them successfully, Orange County?


You need to answer the following questions about your audience before you map out your campaign. Where do they enjoy spending their time? What hobbies do they have? Do they own their own homes? What’s their average age? Do they have children? In what industries do they often work? What problems do they want solved, and what issues are they trying to overcome? Are they more tech-savvy, or do they rely on more traditional ways to get their information?


If you’ve found Orange County social media companies that know how to find out about your niche and know what platforms they prefer, they should move to the top of your list. You should have a good feeling about your social media agency. Trust your gut reaction to them. If they seem unprofessional, move on. There are loads of other viable candidates out there.