In Orange County, businesses with the best websites have set themselves up for success. When new or returning customers visit their site, it is the responsibility of the company and their web designer to create a positive impression that leads to a possible sale. But what is it about websites that captivates and compels? What are the crucial elements that all of the best sites need?

Minimalist Approach


For someone who is inexperienced in Orange County website design, the first compulsion might be to have lots of fancy effects, bright colors, crazy graphics, a little bit of everything. A “less is more” approach usually works better, Orange County. People rarely read every word when they visit a website. They scan instead. They’re looking for a general idea of what the site is trying to convey, and because of that, you need to make the evaluation process simple. Don’t be afraid of white space and a simple yet elegant design. Icons and images can convey a point better sometimes than large blocks of text.


The Visual Hierarchy


The most successful Orange County websites are those that are designed with a visual hierarchy in mind. That means that you’re trying to show people a clear and easy way to navigate your site that they’ll be almost forced to follow. There should be no ambiguity or reason for confusion. The more simply designed the navigation process, the better the likelihood of a conversion.


Make the Contest Easy to Read


Since you don’t want to overwhelm the visitor with text, all the content that you do feature should be easy to read. That means that it should be large enough so people have no trouble with it, and there should be a contrast between the lettering and the background. Be cognizant of the color choices you are making. Also, use a font that is easy to understand. The urge to get too fancy with the font is poor website design if it means the reader is unsure about certain letters or words.


There are virtually limitless ways of designing a website, and you can feature just about anything on it, Orange County. With the themes and customization of the images and text, sites can be like snowflakes, no two ever alike. You want your website to stand out, but for the right reasons. If your site has a poor UX, then visitors are going to get frustrated, and they will probably avoid doing business with your company in the future.