The latest YouTube marketing starts with a great YouTube description. Every marketer needs to know two types of descriptions:

1.     The YouTube channel description is the text on the channel’s about page. It helps viewers understand your expectations for the brand.

2.     YouTube video description is the text below each video. 

If done well, YouTube descriptions can improve search engine optimization, subscriptions, views, and watch time. They can assist your videos to rank in YouTube’s “Suggested Search” feature.

20 tips for writing a valid YouTube description

1. Use specific keywords

Choose from 1-2 keywords that accurately describe your content to maximize your search traffic. 

Just enter the words that best describe your channel or video content, and Google will suggest the most relevant keywords.

2. Repeat your keywords

Repeating lets YouTube know the specific words associated with your video or channel. Use your keywords two or three times for the best results. Any more than three, it may be marked as a keyword fill.

3. Find complementary keywords

Include relevant keywords in the description. It gives the viewer additional information about your content. It can also help you rank these words in Google and YouTube searches.

4. Tell the audience what to expect

If you distort your video, the viewer will stop watching. It can damage your search rankings and your reputation.

Avoid using clickbait headlines and irrelevant keywords. They may help you rank first, but YouTube’s search algorithm will catch that sooner or later.

5. Write like a person

Know your audience! Use the language that the audience will understand and relate to. Combine keywords in a natural way.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a text smith to write a wonderful YouTube description. There are many writing resources to help you improve your skills.

6. Front-load important information

Every time it is great to start with a compelling summary of your videos or channels. Refer to your top keywords in the first two or three sentences of the description for the best results.

It is the first part of your description that appears on the “first screen” on the watch page. The rest of the text is hidden unless someone chooses “Show more.”

7. Add links and metadata below the first screen

If the audience decides to “show more,” they will probably like your stuff.

Use this opportunity to promote your brand. Add short channel descriptions, social media handles, and related product links.

8. Optimize for CRT (click rate)

CTRs are designed to address clickable descriptions that solve real-world problems. Seventy percent of the millennial YouTube’s use video to learn new things. Keep this in mind, CTR whenever you write a copy.

9. Off value

Always include obvious value propositions in the description. Why would someone subscribe to your channel? How will your videos benefit them? Answer at least one question in simple terms (if you can do both at the same time, you can get rewards).

10. Including CTA

Now that you have got the attention of the audience use it!

The best call-to-action is clear, urgent, and brings significant benefits to the audience. Well done, they can increase participation, subscriptions, etc.

11. Save time with defaults

Tired of copying and pasting social media links into your YouTube video description?

Try using the default description. It is a feature which automatically adds key channel information to every video you upload.

12. But your description is original

The unique description is better than the template generation. Plus, they are more fun for your subscribers!

The default description is a shortcut to add contact information and basic metadata to your video. But make sure that the rest of the description is fresh every time.

13. Use timestamp

Our attention range is shorter than ever. Add a timestamp to the description to help viewers jump to what they want.

14. Use https:// or HTTP:// 

Video description is one of the few places that YouTube allows you to link. Use it! Remember to add “https://” to all URLs to make them clickable.

15. Test description on multiple devices

How does your description appear on your phone? On your friend’s tablet?

70% of YouTube videos come from mobile devices. Make sure your description is visible and compelling on all screens.

Do the same for your channel description and set it up.

16. Add (several) topic tags

Hashtags are an easy way to help viewers find content – as long as you use them wisely.

Stick to 15 or fewer tags or YouTube will ignore them altogether. As always, make sure they are relevant to your video. Misleading labels only frustrate the audience.

17. Copy your competitors

Metadata plays a vital role in YouTube’s “recommended video” algorithm. 

Browse popular videos on the same topic as you write. Get a few top-level keywords from their description and merge them into your keywords.

18. Add links to useful resources

Pointing to useful resources is an easy way to show viewers that you are thinking about them.

Did you mention any tools, blog posts, or products in the video? Link to them in the video description so viewers can easily find them.

19. Believe in your source

Have you used someone else’s images, music, or lenses? List them in the video description on the first screen and links to their social media channels.

20. Use YouTube Analytics

Does your description appeal to what you want?

Monitoring YouTube Analytics can help you to make effective decisions.  It can help you understand which keywords generate the most traffic. These analytics can help you explore any keywords you might miss.