Website SEO Converts to Web Traffic and Money for Orange County Businesses


There’s a lot of ways to market products and services, even tutorials are given and articles are posted about the means and ways to generate and increase web traffic and your target audience; but regardless of these materials, it is still so difficult to achieve web conversion and we still struggle to get web engagement.

Your website or your landing page has a lot of potential especially after the most-awaited ‘CLICK’ (best if it’s in the plural form 🙂 ) were made and therefore will influence your web visitors on whether they will navigate further or close it out. What do we do to make them stay? SEO is the key. How can it help? Simple! Create contents that matter for potential or existing Orange County customers.

Here are a few Tips on How to Use Contents to Generate and Increase Web Traffic:


  1. Think of User Experience. Even Google changed its algorithm to serve audience well so provide relevant and useful contents that will capture and resonate instantly to your readers. As much as we want them to stay longer on our website, we have to remember that the reason they clicked or visited was to look for a specific information on our website. Don’t make them look too hard.


  1. Use your brand to connect your visitors and your products. What do you use your email and social media accounts for if not for engagement? Talk to your potential customers. Send them a survey to gauge what they need. Offsite, you can ask your sales team what problems they hear from customers, feedback or objections they get when selling your product and even the terms your customers are using when they describe your products or services. These terms are quite beneficial especially if you are doing SEO as the terms your customers use are most likely the terms that your potential customers will search for.


  1. Create focused content. There’s no greater audience “turn-off” than content that are distracting. Make sure you create content that will encourage them to stay on your website to read or browse more. According to Marketing Techblog, 52% of companies believe that the ability to create focused and personalized content is essential to their online marketing strategy.


How can we say that a content is ‘focused’? You need to establish who your potential audience are and ask yourself these questions:


  • What do these people seek?
  • What questions do they normally expect to find answers to? How can I answer them?
  • What answers are they normally expecting?
  • Are these answers enough?
  • Will they still seek for more information on other sites?
  • Are there information on competitor sites that I don’t?

Only after you have answered these questions will you be able to create content that will be useful and relevant to your target audience.


  1. Make them stay. What would make your visitors stay? It’s the realization that they came to the right place. Showcase your products. Let them know that you are providing them a solution by highlighting its benefits. As with content, execute it in such a way that you promote your product and the content itself.


  1. Create and get leads from your content. How do you get leads from your content? Offer them something at the end of your blog- a content upgrade. This article with further explain what I mean but to summarize, it could be a free download, a free analysis reports or free exclusive tips where they need to provide their email address before they can get their hands on your freebie.


Obtaining qualified web traffic and converting them to customers is a tedious process which requires careful planning, strategy and a lot of content creation to get the job done. With the proper execution and just the right amount of patience though, your efforts will be rewarded by increasing and compounding conversion.


So, if your Orange County business have the resources and budget to promote your website through SEO content creation and promotion, don’t hesitate to call Drive Traffic Media at 9498006990. You’ll receive free reports for your website when you Call Us today.




Infographic, Ion Interactive

How To Increase Qualified B2B SEO Traffic In 2016 & Beyond, Search Engine Land

How To Increase Conversions by 785% in One Day (Without A/B Testing), Backlinko