When looking at SEO Orange County in the modern era, there are many different rubrics to consider and many different ways that you can assess how your website is doing. The easiest way is to look at any of the optimization tools that are readily available, and use them to evaluate and analyze your ranking. You can then go over any areas that can be reworked to your advantage, plugging in fresh content, making the best use of keywords, etc. Now there is a new tool that can help you optimize, and it examines an area that is often overlooked.  



We’re speaking of AccurateAppraisals.com, which is a service and website that assesses the value of your domain name. They claim to offer a realistic and fair valuation of a domain name which is determined without any human bias. They use a series of algorithms and bots, and in a nutshell, they figure out what your website name is worth. While this idea seems somewhat abstract, there can be no doubt that some domain names are worth more than others, just because when a person is looking for something there are certain words and phrases about which they are likely to think.


How It Works

The service uses three independent appraisers to evaluate each domain name that you plug in. They’ll use techniques and the best-in-class tools to determine fair market value. You’ll then get dependable accuracy, as they’ll present you with an average of their three assessed rates. They’ll give you a value certification, which will allow you to prove your domain’s value if you ever decide to sell it. There are several factors which might affect the domain value, like whether it ever sold at auction before, or whether there were previous offers for it. AccurateAppraisals, though, takes all of these different influences into account.


Why You Might Want It

The reason you might want to give this service some serious consideration is that your domain name counts for a lot. Your name is who you are, and your company and website name are intrinsically linked. People who don’t know about your company might be introduced to it not through social media or other forms of outreach, but simply because they searched for a term and your website was what came up first because of the virtue of its name.


If you feel like your domain name doesn’t completely identify what your business is all about, then it’s not a bad idea to look into this service. You can workshop some different domain names, see what’s available, then give valuation a try. The potential difference in your site traffic is all the incentive you need.