Social media platforms allow people, especially businesses, to interact, engage, listen or collaborate with people but in the age where social media platforms and venues are increasing, social media management becomes a time-consuming and laborious process. Before we go any further, let us differentiate social media marketing from social media management; and as an Orange County business owner, it is important to know the difference so as you understand what you are getting if in case you sign up for any of these social media packages.

Social media marketing is a process where you get people’s attention, encourage them to ‘Like’ or ‘Follow’ your account in the hopes of getting more traffic to your website through your posts or updates. On the other hand, social media management covers a broader spectrum, in such, that it not only covers multiple platforms but it also involves the following:


  1. Social Media Management involves content creation. You can get content ideas or the latest news or articles about your industry from RSS feeds, Google alerts, etc or you can also write about your business offers, business promo or even a blog-reply to people asking or inquiring about your industry.


  1. Social Media Management involves monitoring of what is going on with not just social media but also relevant or trending topics, monitoring of comments (that need to be approved, deleted or which needs reply or replies), as well as monitoring of business ‘mentions’- when or where your business name is mentioned on the social media platforms or the web in general.


  1. Social Media Management involves engagement– joining in conversations, commenting on blogs or articles that are relevant to your industry, respond to queries about your posts or updates, and also liking other people’s status updates.


  1. Social media management involves decision-making. Social media allows people the freedom to express themselves and as a business owner, you’ll either get a positive or a negative feedback. Social media management will allow you to decide whether you need to reply, ignore or delete commentaries about your business.


If your social media accounts are managed correctly,  you will be able to market your brand, extend your reach and engage with both existing and potential customers in an efficient and productive way. We have to remember that our followers are our “product voices” and ‘listening’ to their online sentiments and acting on them help our business improve and grow, increase our online visibility and also help generate leads through satisfied customers who can’t help but share how great your product is  through reviews and testimonials.

Signing up for a social media marketing package is good but getting a social media management package gives your business an edge as it brings engagement and customer service for your Orange County business to the next level.

Need to find out what sentiments your business is generating from social media right now? Or need any help integrating your social media with your other marketing activities? Call us at (949) 800-6990 and let us get you social.