If you own an Orange County business and you need a website design company to retool your site or construct an entirely new one, it is likely they will want to use WordPress. WordPress has so many different options for setting up a website, and the finished product should look polished and professional, assuming that you hired a company that knows what they’re doing. When you talk to them about the strategy that they are implementing, make sure that they are emphasizing the following areas.


Content Must Be Easily Accessible


The content on your site should be able to be seen with no problems, and the copy should be clean and well-presented. People make incredibly quick decisions about whether to stay on a page or a site. As a designer, you have to do everything you can to make them linger. That lower bounce rate will help you with your Google rankings, Orange County, but also it makes conversion more likely. Lack of search options is a turn-off, as are poor layout choices and irrelevant or low-quality content. Users should be able to figure out where on your site the information they’re seeking is located. That means friendly navigation and everything being clearly labeled.


Don’t Be Afraid of Whitespace


It is the mark of an inexperienced web design company that they will not want to use whitespace on a page. But pages that are simple and uncluttered are appealing to the eye. A page that looks like a carnival attraction, with all sorts of different colors, tons of motion, and a general sense of chaos is not a winning formula or one that inspires trust. Less is more in this regard. Whitespace is time-tested, and it is elegant. It improves reading comprehension, and it makes it virtually impossible for an essential aspect of a page to be missed. Use it, and your site will instantly start looking more understated, which is not a bad thing by any means.


An Orange County website design company that has mastered WordPress can be your best friend. You can have them come up with some different site features and looks to run by you, and by narrowing down what you’re looking for they will get an understanding of your expectations, and they’ll be of more use to you. WordPress is a trusted platform for lots of professional companies, and it can be that way for you as well.